četvrtak, 26. studenoga 2015.

Aloe Vera: Ancient Healer

What is aloe vera? A succulent plant that's a member of the cactus family, aloe vera has thick, spongy emerald green leaves that are filled with a clear, gel-like sap. This gel and the chemical components within it have a wide variety of uses in treating a surprising array of conditions, from soothing skin rash to treating constipation. Aloe vera has been cultivated throughout the world for centuries. It was prized by the Egyptians, who called it the "plant of immortality," and is a well-known folk remedy in many countries and cultures.

 The simplest way to enjoy the benefits of aloe vera is to simply break off one of the plump green leaves and wait for the sap to ooze out from the cut ends. This sap can be applied topically as-is, and provides a wonderful cooling, soothing sensation on the skin: it’s particularly effective in treating mild sunburns, simple kitchen burns, and skin rashes.

There are many products on the market that contain aloe vera, including creams and oral supplements. When choosing a cream to use topically, check the concentration: this can range from a low of just one half percent up to almost 75 percent, depending on the indicated use.
Aloe vera creams are particularly effective for many common skin conditions, including dandruff and psoriasis, blistering, itchiness, and eczema. It is an effective topical treatment for acne, as it promotes wound healing and reduces inflammation. It has even been used as a treatment for male genital herpes sores. 

The antioxidants in aloe vera include Vitamins C and E, and beta carotene. These powerful compounds help keep skin hydrated and promote firmer looking skin as we age. It's even been used to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks! 
Studies have shown that aloe vera can be used to treat a number of gum diseases. Its has both antiseptic and antifungal properties, reduces gum swelling, and helps to reduce bleeding.
Oral aloe vera has shown to be promising in the treatment of diabetes – however, readers are strongly cautioned to work with their health care provider when managing this condition. 
Another use for aloe vera is the treatment of constipation. Available in a capsule or in juices or gels to mix with juice, aloe vera laxatives are quite powerful, and should be used sparingly. Most health food retailers stock aloe vera in these formulations – be sure to carefully follow package directions when taking aloe vera to relieve constipation.

Acne: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Acne is a widespread skin disease that is caused by clogging of hair follicles. It is more common for women and for people during their teenage years, but it also can persist in adults.Acne has a multiform etiology.

Dermatologists consider that both genetic predisposition, smoking, hormonal imbalance, bacteria, high-glycemic-load diets, excessive makeup using and stresses can be the reasons of acne.Acne has several special signs and symptoms.

One of the most frequent signs of this skin disorder are blackheads and whiteheads, pores which are clogged by excess oil from the skin and dead cells. An open pore looks like a blackhead, and a closed one looks like a whitehead. Sometimes acne nodules appear, they are situated under the skin surface and can transform into scars after healing.

When the pore is filled by bacteria, oil and dead cells, it can lead to the formation of acne cyst. It is located deep in the skin and can be very painful. At last, papules are inflamed comedones, they can appear in groups or alone, have a red color and rise above the skin.

Scars and pigmentation are the results of the inflammation in deep layers of skin. They also appear because of the pathological healing response. Differential diagnosis of acne includes rosacea, angifiofibroma and folliculitis.

However, the age of the patient and the presence of comedones can help the dermatologist to distinguish these disorders.Letting acne runs its course can lead to the complications and the persistence of the infection.

he treatment begings from the diet: it is advised to eat low-glycemic-load food (that means to avoid products which rise the blood sugar rise quickly, for example sweets and white bread). Stresses, psychological conflicts must be avoided. It is also better not to use makeup during treatment. The most common medications are benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, retinoids, antibiotics and hormonal therapy.

Type of treatment depends on reasons of the disease and the age of the patient, but usually a combination therapy is used. The procedure that leads to immediate relief is the corticosteroids injections into the inflamed area.Dermabrasion, laser resurfacing and chemical peels are used in order to reduce the formation of acne scars.There is also a big amount of natural products for acne treatment. Herbal medicines, for example the oil of tea tree and bee venom, help to achieve a healthy state of skin without irritating it. However, only few studies about alternative medicine have been performed.